Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Um, What do I do with my class room?

I want to take some time to catch you up on my year up to now.  This will take several posts over the next few days, but I really think the journey is worth it.

I found out that I had the computer lab position the beginning of July.  Unfortunately, due to my summer job commitments, I didn't actually get the key and get to step foot into my lab until TWO weeks before school started.  That is not a lot of time!

I will admit my room is still not where I want it, but I did the best I could during those two weeks.  Unfortunately, I did not have much money to spend on my room, as I would not get my first school paycheck until September (Still waiting. That check comes tomorrow!)

I got to spend several hours with the old computer lab teacher, learning how to update the school website (That will be another blog post), and going over general class questions.  I was also lucky enough for her to leave me her old plan book!

I was very overwhelmed at first with just trying to wrap my mind around how I wanted to plan, organize and run my computer lab; so I focused mainly on decorating what I could.  I spent A LOT of time on Pinterest.  Like, I said...I had to do this on a I did not get to do a lot.  But, it was (and is) functional.

The previous teacher was nice enough to leave me two posters, plus I made use of the school supplied "posters" that have the school goals and mission.  Then I made 2 Pinterest inspired posters.

The first one was inspired by this pin from Teachers pay Teachers:

This is the inspiration, definitely not mine!

I bought a black piece of the thick foam board and foil pre cut poster letters from Dollar Tree and then used some green butcher type paper that is available at my school.  I think it turned out ok!

The letters look smudged in the photo because I used a glue stick to glue all the letters down and the glue ended up getting on the counter...and then on the next letter I glued.  I have now learned to put things I am gluing on paper that I can keep changing/moving. Don't worry, once it dried, I used a Clorox wipe to clean off the excess glue!

My other inspiration came from this pin from Teach the Bits and Bytes.

The Teach the Bits and Bytes blog has several great subway art type printables, but unfortunately...I don't have access to a color printer at school.  So I printed this and three other posters from the above site in black and white and used my highlighters and markers!  I mounted all four of them to a black foam board to make it look cohesive.  This is actually my favorite thing I did at the beginning of the year!

I also added a green Laundry basket ($1 at Dollar General) for two of my classes to put their lunch boxes in since they come directly to or from lunch.  This has already paid off BIG time.  A student's drink leaked out during class, but it was contained in the basket that was easily dumped and rinsed, instead of all over my floor!

I also brought in a few unused décor pieces from my home, just to finish off the room as best I could.

What are some ways you've decorated your computer lab or class?  Do you have a theme?  How much do or did you spend decorating? 

I feel I will add to the décor as the year progresses and be able to reuse everything next year!

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