Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Let's Type!

By the third week of school, I was getting into a nice groove and ready to start our typing lessons with everyone except Kindergarten.  My Kindergarteners still needed to learn to use a mouse!

 For Kindergarten, I went to and chose a mouse skill game from the Kindergarten skills section. I chose Build a House, because I felt it would appeal to all of my students.  I used google chrome to place a short cut on each of my computers (this is a long and daunting task, I REALLY need to find an easier way!).  While we were all still sitting at my carpeted area, I showed the students how to use their mouse to point at the icon and double click. I then showed them all the tools in the game and how to use them. Finally, I sent each student to their computer to try the game on their own. I think I had to open the game for 95% of my students and I had some who could not use the tools.  I spent each class period walking from student to student to help them each complete one task. Kindergarten class seemed looooong this week, but looking back it was so worth it!

Also, since then, I have found a much better mouse skills game called Bees and Honey! It takes kids step by step through pointing the mouse where you want, clicking and then clicking and dragging.  I LOVE this game!

For my First and Second graders, I am using Dance Mat Typing from BBC. It is a fun game that teaches children touch typing using the correct fingers. It is music based and funny.  They love it!

For my Third through Fifth grades, I am using allows you to set up your own classrooms and student lists and give each student their own log-in....for FREE!  It allows you to run reports and track progress and keeps typing test scores. Wonderful, wonderful resource!

You can find my full lesson plan here.

Do you have any easier ways for putting shortcuts on computers?  Should I just get brave enough to let them navigate there on their own?

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